Richmond Jets Juvenile C2 Wins Marriott Classic
Our Richmond Jets Juvenile C2 team captured the Gold Medal in our Marriott Classic C Tournament this weekend.  The team faced tough opposition in their initial games, earning just enough points to make the semi-final game on Saturday night.  They won their place in the final game with a thrilling overtime win against a very good Burnaby team in that semi-final game.  This set up a rematch against Cloverdale, who had badly beaten Richmond Juvy C2 in an exhibition game earlier this year.  Our Juvy team dominated play, and eventually pulled out a very exciting 3 – 2 win for Gold.  The victory showed how much our team has improved this year, coming together with a true team victory.  All of the players and coaches express their thanks to the many tournament volunteers who made this awesome experience possible.

The Team:

Matthew Armstrong
Adam Barish
Cameron Bell
Bryn Colville
Tyler Coulson
Myles Hamson
Alex Hodgkinson
Michael Ibbott
Ben Ikeda
Clark Johnson
Jeffery Kucheran
James Linden
Quintin Long
Thomas O’Brien
Jonah Pipke
Austin Schmidt
Declan Shaw
Kyle Wong

Head Coach
Greg Ibbott

Assistant Coach
Gerald Linden