8th Annual Father’s (Mother’s Too) and Sons/Daughters Head Shaving/Hair Donating Event
Date:   Saturday, June 22nd at Steveston Barbers & Shay’s Hair Studio in Steveston

Time:  Starts at 4:00 pm

Why:  Help Richmond Jets families surpass the total donation of $100,000 over the last 8 years, support our amazing BC Children’s Hospital, and nurture our kids’ charity minds early

  • To Give Back – While our boys/girls are healthy enough to still play hockey and sometimes worry about not making it to a Banner game, other unfortunate kids at the BC Children’s Hospital, sometimes worry about their next chemotherapy appointment.
  • To Bond – We are what we do!  There is a special bonding that occurs when our boys/girls see us practice what we preach. Rubbing each other’s bald heads and donated hair is fun. The visual is long lasting and so are the feelings.  Just ask all the 100-plus kids who have taken part in the last seven years!
  • To Appreciate Others – Our sons and daughters would appreciate why they are taking part in this event. Doing it because their dad asked them to is not the right reason. Instead, they have to make that decision themselves and look for other reasons why THEY want to get involved.
  • To Fund Raise – We only have one children’s hospital in BC, so our kids have likely benefited their service at one point in their lives.

Over the last seven years of supporting this event, many Richmond Jet’s Families have helped donate over $95 000 to the Children’s Hospital.  Let’s make this year the year that we break the $100,000 mark!

If you are interested in supporting or taking part in this event this year, please email Cody Kusch so he can set up your “Superhero” web page.  All you need to do is email out the link to your friends and family members, and you will see the total fundraising start to increase.

Thanks, everyone, and we look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday, June 22nd at 4:00 pm at Steveston Barbers.

Cody Kusch
Vice President
Richmond Jets Minor Hockey Association

Dara Takenaka
Chair of Community Committee
Richmond Jets Minor Hockey Association