Richmond Jets Minor Hockey is dedicated to providing an accessible opportunity for the youth of our community to grow through sport. Our Sponsorship Program plays a key role in helping us keep hockey affordable for our members. We love partnering up with local businesses and national sports programs that are interested in supporting a local community-based sports program that helps kids stay active, engaged, and giving back to their community.
If you would love to partner up with the Richmond Jets, please check out our sponsorship opportunities and contact Gonzalo Del Castillo
Richmond Jets Minor Hockey Association
As one of the largest minor hockey associations in British Columbia, the Richmond Jets Minor Hockey Association offers an integrated (boys and girls) minor hockey program from Initiation to Juvenile. Featuring both recreational ("C") and competitive ("A") streams, our programs operate out of the three different facilities in the City of Richmond: Richmond Ice Centre (RIC), Minoru Arenas (Stadium and Silver Rinks), Richmond Oval (North and South rinks).
Site Map
We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.