Coaching Application Form 2025-26
As the Richmond Jets Minor Hockey Association prepares for next season, we are excited to begin the coach application process for both the Rep “A” and the Recreational C divisions from U7 to U21. All interested parties (returning and new coaches) are encouraged to complete the application form below.
For our Rep “A” Head Coach and Assistant Coach positions, also submit a resume if available by March 28th, 2025 to our Director of Rep Hockey - Milton Chan at:
We also ask that you spread the word to friends and colleagues as we are always looking to add quality, caring and committed individuals at all levels. The Richmond Jets are excited to build a coach mentorship and development program to support new and experienced coaches.
We look forward to hearing from you and meeting and interviewing new aspiring coaches and also many returning ones. We encourage all those who wish to put their best foot forward to complete an application.
For our Initiation/Novice U7 & U9 and our Recreational "C" teams U11-U21, we will accept applications throughout Spring and Summer for parent coach interest. If you have any questions about the C coach program please contact:
Interest in applying for a Rep ‘A’ team coaching position is encouraged by March 28th, 2025 to be considered for a head coaching position for the 2023-24 season.
For the Rep “A” head coach positions, coach stipends will be offered for non-parent coaches and will be negotiable, depending on coaching experience, commitment level required and our budget.
RJMHA Recreational Coaching Committee
RJMHA Competitive (Rep) Committee
Richmond Jets Minor Hockey Association
As one of the largest minor hockey associations in British Columbia, the Richmond Jets Minor Hockey Association offers an integrated (boys and girls) minor hockey program from Initiation to Juvenile. Featuring both recreational ("C") and competitive ("A") streams, our programs operate out of the three different facilities in the City of Richmond: Richmond Ice Centre (RIC), Minoru Arenas (Stadium and Silver Rinks), Richmond Oval (North and South rinks).
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We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.